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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Gowanus Open Studio Sale Oct 17,18

It's that time of year again! The two days a year I open my studio to the crowds and curious. But this year there's a mega sale! Read on.

WHEN: Saturday and Sunday
October 17 and 18 from 12-6.

WHERE: Studio 22 at 98 9th Street or enter at 75C 10th Street, Brooklyn, NY 

This is the last year you will find me in this location as the landlord has sold the building and this little community is moving on and out. The great news for you: everything in my studio will be on super sale to make my move easier. Come prepared to purchase at once-in-a-lifetime prices. Thank you all for your support over the years in this space. I have adored this studio and it's many visitors. I look forward to what the future will bring. See you very soon.

Take a look through my available paintings at and let me know if I should hold one for you! I will be accepting cash or check during the sale.

Walk, bike or take the F/G/R train to 9th Street and follow the balloons to 98 9th Street or to 75C 10th Street in the building next to Lowe's. Here's the full GOS participant Map.

Come out, spread the word. #GOS2015 #KatelynAlain 

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Opening Saturday, June 6 at Sara June

You are invited to Katelyn Alain: On The Verge
Opening: Saturday, June 6 at 7pm
Sara June
618 Union Street,  Brooklyn, NY 11215

I am beyond excited to display my latest series of small paintings in a venue and space that perfectly aligns with the character and vibe of the work. Sara June is an amazing Brooklyn salon that
 was created from the ground up by the very talented Sara Gilmore. This is a unique and beautifully designed space in Gowanus that is a natural environment for my portraits of women on the verge of transformation. Come out and support the people making good things happen in Brooklyn. 
I hope to see you at 7pm on Saturday! 

Katelyn Alain: On The Verge  will be on view June - July, 2015

Sara June hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11-6

618 Union Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215

* My show Musing continues to be on view at Arcilesi Homberg Fine Art, 139 Eldridge St.(Lower East Side) New York, NY until June 12, 2015. Come by to see a larger selection of  recent paintings in this two person show. Gallery hours: Wedneday-Sunday 12-6pm. LINK to gallery

Friday, May 01, 2015

May 9- June 12 at Arcilesi Homberg Fine Art, New York, NY

Dormant Prophecies, oil on canvas, 24x18"
I am pleased to invite you to my first two-person exhibition in New York City. This exhibition will feature a varied selection of recent paintings from small studies to intimate self-portraits and portraits that inhabit dynamic memory-scapes.

Opening Reception:
Saturday, May 9, 6-9 PM
Arcilesi Homberg Fine Art
139 Eldridge St. (Lower East Side)
New York, NY 10002

Train directions: F,M,J,Z to Delancey/ Essex St. or B,D to Grand St.

Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 12pm - 6pm
On view: May 9- June 12, 2015